Friday, September 25, 2009

Masaajid Counting - 1:1 Correspondence Activity

Assalamu alaikum,

This activity is designed to help children work on 1:1 correspondence (i.e. every element of one set corresponds to exactly one member of the other, and vice versa) insha'Allah. Simply put, if the child sees the number 2 he/she will put two objects to indicate the number two insha'Allah.

This activity which is called 'Masaajid Counting' (masaajid is the plural of masjid) is easy to assemble and has several ways to extend the activity insha'Allah.

Let me first show you what the little book will look like once it is assembled insha'Allah and then we'll move on to the materials you will need and the activity extensions insha'Allah.

Here's what you'll need insha'Allah:

* Masaajid Counting File (includes black and white masaajid and colour masaajid)
* Scissors
* Glue
* Colour Pencils
* 4x6 index cards or larger
* Hole punch
* Small Velcro circles (optional): Make sure they are small enough to fit on the back of the masjid pieces but not too small that it makes it difficult for your child to remove them from the pages insha'Allah.

Here's how you assemble the book insha'Allah:

- Print the Masaajid Counting File and cut out each box. DO NOT colour the masaajids on these pages. They are there for Control of Error (we'll discuss this more later insha'Allah).

- Use glue to mount the cut out boxes on index cards insha'Allah. Allow to dry completely insha'Allah.

- While the cards are drying, cut out the masaajid pieces. I've included black and white masaajid and colour masaajid just in case you don't have the time to colour the masaajid.

- THIS IS THE IMPORTANT STEP: Colour the masaajid pieces as follows insha'Allah (if you use the black and white pieces): 1 masjid will be one colour (i.e. red); 2 masaajid will be the same colour (i.e. blue); colour 3 masaajid the same colour (i.e. 3 green masaajid), etc. continue in this fashion until you get to 10. You should have 4 masaajid that are the same colour, 5 that are the same colour and so on (see the colour masaajid pieces as a guide insha'Allah). We'll talk about why in a bit insha'Allah (smile).

- The cards should be dry at this point insha'Allah and this is where you have options depending on whether or not you want to use the activity extensions that will be mentioned insha'Allah. Laminate the cards and the masaajid pieces. If you do not it will be almost impossible to use all of the activity extensions. Once you have laminated the cards and pieces cut them out insha'Allah.

- Punch 2 holes at the top of each of the pages insha'Allah.

- Use two of the book rings to complete the book assembly insha'Allah.

- If you want to use the activity extensions, cut out the masaajid and put the Velcro circles on the back. NOTE: You'll put the fuzzy part of the Velcro on the masaajid pieces and the course/tough/scratchy part on the masaajid on the book pages insha'Allah.

How to use the book (including the Activity Extensions):

1). If you have laminated the pages and the masjid pieces but have not attached Velcro to the masjid pieces, have the child place the masjid that matches each number on the page (i.e. 4 blue masaajid to match the number 4). NOTE: The masaajid will slip around and you will not be able to turn the page without removing the pieces first insha'Allah.

2). If you have laminated the pages and the masjid pieces but have not attached Velcro to the masjid pieces, invite the child to use a dry erase marker to colour the masjid/masaajid next to each number. Use a baby wipe to clean the page and allow your child to colour the page again when he/she wishes insha'Allah.

3). If you have laminated the pages and attached the Velcro to the masjid pieces, invite your child to stick the matching masaajid to correspond with the number on the page insha'Allah. (You can put this activity book into a clean, empty baby wipe box with the masaajid pieces and take this along in the car for your child to enjoy insha'Allah).
Control of Error for this activity:
Each page has the number and a corresponding outline of a masjid or masaajid (if it's a number larger than 1). This is to help the child correctly match the masjid to the number (1:1 correspondence). The masaajid are also the same colours for each number (i.e. all masaajid that should be used for the number 3 are the same colour and no other masjid for any other number shares that colour) to aide in proper 1:1 correspondence matching insha'Allah.

I will ask that you please include the cover of the book (last page in the file) without altering it (aside from allowing your child to colour it) as much time and effort goes into designing these resources. I enjoy making these resources available for free and all I ask in return is that my work not be altered and that the copyright not be removed or violated insha'Allah. Jazakum Allahu Khayran.

Enjoy insha'Allah!


  1. As Salaamu Alaykum, What can I say? I LOVE IT!!! My 2 yr old needed something to keep him busy while i teach the others. Masha Allah, May Allah Reward You with Good Ameen!

  2. Waalaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,

    Aww...jazakillahu khayr dear sis. Alhamdulillah, I'm happy you like it. I hope your two year old has fun with it insha'Allah. I'm thinking you'll make some fabulous modifications to it and I can't wait to see them (smile). Come back and share them with us and if you take pictures let me know and we'll add them to this post insha'Allah. I was thinking about you as I was putting it together (smile).


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