Saturday, October 30, 2010

Check it Out!: Move!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

'Move!' by Steve Jenkins & Robin Page is a fun book for toddlers because each page involves movement. While reading the book, parents/teachers can pause and invite children to imitate some the movements mentioned in the book, for example: walk, leap and jump.  As I am not sure about imitating animals movements, I did not chose to invite children to imitate movements specific to animals that humans do not do, such as slither...waallaahu a'lam.

The text does not rhyme but children may enjoy the interesting illustrations and the fun facts about how animals get from place to place...and the chance to get up and move is usually welcome for children in this age group (smile). This book may also be a great read aloud to go along with the activities in this post.

Next time you're at the library, check it out insha'Allaah! 
Enjoy insha'Allaah! 

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