Thursday, August 22, 2013

Preschool Assessment (Islaamic)

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Here is a quick preschool assessment for the new school year.

 Click on the picture to download the assessment

This assessment allows the Qur'aan teacher, Islaamic Studies teacher, and the general education teacher (if used in a school) to get a quick glance of where his/her students are at. The results from the assessment are on one convenient sheet and can be placed in the students' portfolios. Of course, homeschooling parent-teachers can also place this assessment in their child's portfolio too!

To use this assessment you will need:

  1. To photocopy the two pages front to back so that you only need one page for each student (optional).
  2. A set of flashcards with the alphabet (upper case letters only).
  3. Flashcards with basic shapes (you can download some here)
  4. Flashcards with the colour (you can download some here)
  5. A set of 10 or more objects (i.e. blocks or counters)
The Qur'aan and Islaamic Studies teachers/parent-teacher can use the top section of the assessment sheet and the homeroom teacher/ parent-teacher uses the above-mentioned materials to administer the assessment in the following suggested manner: show the colour cards, shape cards, and alphabet cards to the child one at a time. The teacher marks off/circles the child's answers in the appropriate sections of the assessment sheet. Next, ask the child to count as high as they can starting from the number one and record the results. Then ask the child to name the days of the week that they know and the months of the year that they know. After that, present the child with a set of objects and ask them to count the objects and record the results. Lastly, ask the child to print his/her name in the space provided (if they know how to write). Now, insha'Allaah, you have a snapshot of where your child(ren)/students are and you know what you will need to teach insha'Allaah. This assessment is also useful for parent/teacher night so parents can see the current level of their child.

And remember, there is usually no need to panic if your child does not know most (or any) of the material on the assessment. The results of this assessment guide when you start putting together your curriculum (if homeshooling) and/or your lesson plans; the results just let you know what you need to teach insha'Allaah.

Enjoy insha'Allaah!


  1. Cute, mashaAllah! The kid will love checking those things off also. :)

    On a side note, I want to comment on your blog more, but I don't want to use my Google sign in and it seems that Wordpress is not working. Would you consider opening up the name/URL option?

  2. it is a very much needed guideline for the teachers and will also helps a lot if they apply
    Holy quran


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