Saturday, September 5, 2015

Quran Centre Word Work: Surat Al-Humazah

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Alhamdulillaah, here is the workbook for surat Al-Humazah.
In this workbook, students will be introduced to several new icons:
On the page where students recite to someone else, there is a chart for each student to write the name of the person they recited to, and there is space for that person to "sign" his or her name indicating that they listened to the student recite the surah. 

All other icons and activities should be familiar to students. Additionally, the remaining activities in the book are self-explanatory in shaa' Allaah, but if not, please do not hesitate to leave a comment and ask for clarification. 

You can download the workbook here or above in shaa' Allaah.

Benefit & Enjoy In shaa' Allaah! 


  1. و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله
    jazake allah khayer, so fantastic job.

    1. Assalamu aliakum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh,

      Wa iyaki wa jazakillaahu khayr for your comment, dear sis Oum Ibrahim NB. All of the praises and thanks are due to Allaah Alone.

  2. I love this mashaAllah! I just have a query, its hard to save all their work, how would one dispose off their Arabic worksheets?

    1. Jazakillaahu khayr. You can burn them or cut them up so the ayaat are gone. Waallaahu 'alam. Pls. check with someone of knowledge in shaa' Allaah to be sure.

  3. As Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Baarakaatuhu, jazaaki Allaahu khayran for your work sis. Will you continue with the workbooks for the other suwar in shaae Allaah?

    1. Waalaikum assalam wa ramatulllaahi wa barakatuh,

      Jazakillaahu khayr dear sis Umm Lynah. Yes, in shaa' Allaah, I do hope to continue with the workbooks for the other suwar, as time permits biithnillaah. *smile*

      Jazakillaahu khayr

    2. Ameen wa jazaaki ukhtee, excellent maa shaae Allaah!

    3. Wa iyaki. Check the blog regularly in shaa' Allaah. Surah at-Takathur should be posted soon in shaa' Allaah.

      Jazakillahu khayr!

  4. Great job, thank you very much


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