Friday, July 24, 2020

Blogs Not Updated For A Long Time and Broken Links

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Insha'Allaah this post finds you all safe and healthy.

This post is just to say that although the blogs A Muslim Child is Born, A Muslim Child Grows Up and The Well Read Muslim have not been updated for a long time, I would like to try to fix the many links that, for some reason, no longer work. This will take some time because, based on the emails I continue to receive, there are a lot of links that have stopped working subhana'Allaah (I have limited access to the internet). I ask for your patience as I try to locate and fix the many broken links on this blog. If anyone still visits this blog, it would be immensely helpful - and I would appreciate it very much - if you can leave a comment letting me know which files you have tried to download and have been unable to access.

Jazaakumullaahu khayra