Saturday, August 28, 2010

Montessori Websites/Blogs to Help You Get Started

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

On one of the egroups I belong to, a sister asked about Montessori resources to help get started using this method of education in the home insha'Allah. I thought that her question was one that others may have and so I just copied/pasted the information as I hoped that it may be of benefit to someone insha'Allah:

If you have time to do some reading on the side, "How to Raise an Amazing Child The Montessori Way" by Tim Seldin and "Montessori From the Start" by Paula Polk Lillard are excellent books to help you get started insha'Allah. If you don't have the time right now, you can also try the following books insha'Allah (they are put together in a lesson plan format so you can easily flip to the age group you need and it has the activities all planned out for you alhamdulillah):

- Child's Play by Maja Pitamic
- Teach Me To Do It Myself by Maja Pitamic
- Play and Learn: A Parents Guide to Purposeful Play from 2 to 6
- Montessori Read & Write by Lynne Lawrence
- Teaching Montessori In the Home: Pre-School by Elizabeth G. Hainstock

You should be able to find all of the above mentioned books at your local library insha'Allah and all are based on the Montessori method and insha'Allah should be a great help to you.

You can also check these websites/blogs for additional resources/ideas (I haven't been to any of them in a loooong time but insha'Allah you'll find lots to help you):

- (this site has lots of inspiration for Montessori resources you can make yourself at home insha'Allah!)

Insha'Allah that helps get you started :)

Enjoy insha'Allah!


  1. Jazak-Allah. I will be getting these book Insya-Allah to get started.

  2. Waiyaki dear sis and I will try to start posting more Montessori activities here for your children's age groups to assist you if I can insha'Allah. I truly hope you enjoy your learning adventures insha'Allah!

  3. Assalamu alaikum,

    thanks for those websites. while checking them out i found this one: there you can find nice ideas about making your own materials, too :)

    wassalamu alaikum,
    Umm Muhammad

  4. Waalaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,

    Jazakillahu khayr dear sis Umm Muhammad. I like how this blog has the steps of the presentations laid out so clearly.

    Jazakillahu Khayr for letting us know about it! *smile*


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