Friday, August 6, 2010

Smart Ark Board Books Giveaway Winner!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Tayyib, the winner for our second Smart Ark giveaway is:

and...number 3 is.....sister Alena.

Mabruk dear sis! Please email me (you can use the contact me button on the right side of the page insha'Allah) and I will send the books to the address you specify insha'Allah.

Tayyib, my dear sisters in Islam, check back Saturday, August 7th, as the Smart Ark Ramadan Giveaway should be posted by then insha'Allah!


  1. baarakAllahu feek sister Alena, inshaAllah you and yours will have loads of fun with the books. Aabida

  2. MashaAllah...this was a surprise. When I saw the number three I was like ...ah that's on the beginning I didn't comment that early, I was really surprised when I saw my name. I am excited about getting this books. They will be coming at just the right time as I have three little ones under four. May Allah swt reward those who have made this giveaway possible and may we all benefit from them, amin.

  3. Mabruk dear sis! Blogger releases the comments in the order that they were received (time wise) so, you were the third person to leave your comment according to blogger (smile) so mabruk once again!

    I haven't checked my email so if you have already emailed your address I will get the books in the poste Monday insha'Allah (the poste is not open until then).

    Jazakillahu Khayr!


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