Friday, September 3, 2010

Eid Decorations - Part 1

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

As Eid-ul-Fitr draws near insha'Allah, I've started thinking about some decorations that the little ones can enjoy insha'Allah. This is the first of them:

Each of the decorations is three sided and has a thin piece of string at the top to hang them from the ceiling insha'Allah.

Insha'Allah, I'll try to make enough of these to make can I describe it? Not a train but you know, a lot of them hanging from the ceiling. Hmm...does that make sense?

I'm thinking to add a border around the edge of the circles - maybe moons, stars, flowers, etc. insha'Allah. I've even decided on a colour theme for all of the Eid Pastel colours: green, pink, yellow and blue but I think that this may not be appreciated by the boys. Maybe they'd like dark blue, white and black insha'Allah?

For newborns you can make these in black and white to make it easier for them to see and focus on them insha'Allah. Hang them high enough where they cannot reach up and take them down and let them enjoy insha'Allah *smile*

Enjoy insha'Allah!


  1. very cute mashaAllah I really like how you can read the text from all sides ! :)

  2. Jazakillahu Khayran dear sisters *smile*. Very simple crafts, easy to make but I think I want to put glitter around the edges insha'Allah.


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