Thursday, September 23, 2010

Felt Food: Hmm...this could be fun

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Well, this could really be a fun hobby subhana'Allah. Last night I found several sites with free felt food patterns and even though I didn't use the patterns (only because I haven't any idea about how to even begin to use a, these were easy enough to do free hand alhamdulillah.

On the plate: Another egg, two orange slices and two sugar cookies

Insha'Allah, I think I will now try that piece of bread that sis Talibideen Jr. suggested...hehe....


  1. wow mashaAllah you're making me want to make some of my own now :) lol love the oranges!

  2. Yum, yum,, I would love them too! Well done!

  3. So cute! I have a huge stash of felt that I have to put to use. I think my daughters would appreciate homemade food better than store bought ;-P

  4. Jazakum Allahu khayran dear sisters. This is quite the fun hobby alhamdulillah.

    Sis Amnah, lol....I think homemade food is always best yes?

  5. they all look wonderful mashaAllah.

    We have not had any experience of making anything from felt. But I have been thinking about doing this for a long time. Now seeing these cute felt food, I think it is really time for us to get some felt inshaAllah :)

    JazakhAllah sister for sharing (and inspiration)

  6. Jazakillahu Khayr dear sis Umm Sara,

    I just kept seeing cute felt food and wanted some but could not find any here so at last I just tried it hope you give it a try insha'Allah *smile*.


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