Monday, December 20, 2010

Arabic Letters Bingo (Beginner and Intermeadiate Games)

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

These Arabic Letter Bingo Boards with the different vowel marks were an idea that I realized, late, may already be available on the Internet for free (I didn't google first..hehe) but I was almost done so I thought...maybe you can use them? Each game has four (4) boards (each with a different design). If you have a class, you can print boards from each set and give students different boards insha'Allaah. The call cards and tahave no tashkeel (vowel marks) so you can print off as many copies as is needed and write in the vowel marks to allow you to mix the game up if you'd like insha'Allaah. This way your caller will be calling out letters from each board (but it may make the game last a bit longer). Also, here are the call cards for the two letters ta marbota and hamza as I forgot to include them with the first set subhana'Allaah.

The first is for beginners. The letters as they appear in isolation with no tashkeel are presented. The caller would simply call the name of letters in random order based on which card he/she picks from the stack of call cards. Download this game here insha'Allaah.

The second version has the letters as they appear in isolation but with the fatha on each letter. So the caller would say, "Ba fatha ba" instead of just ba. This will help children learn how each letter is pronounced with the fatha and it helps the child who is the caller because he/she has to say almost the entire alphabet with the fatha! *smile*. There are four (4) different game boards in this file also. Download this game here insha'Allaah.

The third version as you've probably guessed is has the letters as they appear in isolation but with the kesra on each letter. So the caller would say, "Ba kesra bee" instead of just ba. There are four (4) different game boards in this file also. Download this game here insha'Allaah.

And the last version, yes, has the dumma with the letters as they appear in isolation but with the dumma on each letter. Download this game here insha'Allaah.

Enjoy insha'Allaah!


  1. Assalamu Alaikum dear sister!!

    I printed the game alhumdulillah. the one with no tashkeel.. and my daughter and I had a lot of fun playing it :D .

    There was one thing though, none of the calling cards included a hamza, and ta marbota.. would it be possible if you added those two letters? JazakAllahu Khairun katheera!


  2. Waalaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, dear sis. I'll add them to the call cards. Alhamdulillaah you all had fun!

    Wa iyaki wa jazakillaahu khayran for letting me know about the missing letters.

  3. horray! I love you for the sake of Allah :) may Allah reward you with the best Ameen

  4. PS- love the new blog look mashaAllah

  5. Assalamu alaikum

    Jazakillaahu khyar *smile* and may He for whom you have loved me, love you ((Hug)).

  6. Oh! Alhamdulillaah you like the new blog look. I've been wanting to change it for a while *smile*.

  7. As-salaamu'alaykum my dearest sister,

    You have a lovely blog... and I totally dig this game! What a great teaching tool.

  8. salaam! thank you so much for these bingo cards! i was looking for a way to teach my 4-6 year olds at madrassah the letters with vowels in a fun way (: i cant wait to play this with them this week! jazaks!


  9. Assalamu'alaikum thank you so much foe all,, jazakallaahu khayran katsiiraa..

  10. Assalamu alikum dear sister, this link opens box but i cannot download, no download starts, while I was able to download other files from your blog. jazakAllahu khairan

  11. Assalamu alaykum dear sis Maryam,
    Alhamdulillaah the links have been fixed. Innsha'Allaah you should be able to download the file now. Jazakillaahu khayran and apologies for the delay.

  12. Salaamu aleikum

    I can't download the document unfortunately. would you be willing to send it to me please.


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