Thursday, January 20, 2011

Giveaway! - Easy Doll Sewing Kit

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Alhamdulillaah, the next giveaway was featured in this product review a few days ago and now you can enter to win an Easy Doll Sewing Kit from Smart insha'Allaah!

This doll is very easy to sew 

and little girls may find this little Muslimah doll is a wonderful companion.

 The doll is soft and fluffy and it's machine washable too masha'Allaah.

Alhamdulillaah, some sisters already submitted their entries in the product review and I will count those when the drawing is done (in the order that they were submitted/posted) insha'Allaah.

This giveaway opens today, January 20, 2011, and will close on January 26, 2011, at midnight Google time insha'Allaah. To enter, leave a comment briefly mentioning how you think your child may involve this adorable doll in her playtime fun. The winner will be selected by and the winning entry will be announced on January 27, 2011, insha'Allaah.

Enjoy insha'Allaah!


  1. asallamu alaikum

    Oh my this is the sweetest little doll mashaAllah. I have two little girls and they would have so much fun with this little doll. I can already see her being taught school, dressed up for Eid parties, being served tea at the tea party and so much more! I know my little girls would love her dearly as any other little girl would. My 5 1/2 year old would not only love the doll but enjoy getting to sew. This would be the perfect project to give her the opportunity to do that inshaAllah. Thank you very much Smart Ark for offering this and thank you very much sister for the review and offering this and everything else you offer us. May Allah reward you and your family with the very best in this life and the next. ameen

  2. Assalamu'alaikum...
    Syukron Umm Nu'man for offering the give away from Smark ark product. i hope, my child will enjoy it, if i win the give away insya allah. Thanks for you and Smark Ark. May Allah reward for your kind effort.....

    Umm Fatih

  3. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatu

    Mashallah this doll kit is so wonderful. I know my daughter has been wanting to stitch her own doll for a while now and this would be so ideal. I know she would love to play with it and take extra special care espcially if she has made it herself.

    Umm Muhamma K

  4. We just recently moved overseas so a lot of...well everything got left behind. We did bring some of the kids toys and books but they are still in boxes. This would wonderful for my daughter to have to play with on a day to day basis, not to mention as an activity for us to do while we don't have any routine or familiar things set up around us.
    Jazakallah Khair
    jdivleli at hotmail dot ca

  5. Assalam u Alaikum
    MashaAlah I love your blog, JazakAllah for all the effort you put in..
    I would like to gift it to my younger sister inshaAllah..a nice little muslimah doll to play with..

  6. I would love to sew this project on my own and see if it is suitable for my classes which I currently run from own home. I host a class once a week for 8 little Muslimahs, Allhumdulillah.
    It would really benefit these girls with their dramatic play and of course would be a great project for their fine motor skills.
    May it benefit to who ever wins InshAllah :)

  7. The process of creating something that is useful is something we don't often have the opportunity to engage in, especially in today's hustle and bustle world. This doll provides just such an opportunity for a child. It can make a lovely gift from an older sister to a younger one, or one friend to another. The real benefit though is the process of learning and creating.

  8. This would be a great gift for my daughter. Jazaki Allah khair for all the fun and great ideas you post on your blog as well!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. MashaALLAH a good tool to increase motor as well as emotional development.This doll could be used to teach salaah, wudhu, you name it. mashaALLAH it doesn't have eyes so that is great.

  11. This is a great activity for children. My neice would love it.

  12. The doll is wearing a scarf! It's really good fun.Jzakallah

  13. What a fun toy mashaAllah!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. what a wonderful mother and daughter time together as a wonderful memory.

  16. Jazak'Allahu khairun to you and Smart Ark for such a wonderful giveaway! My daughter loves dolls and it would be wonderful for her to have one with a hijab on it! I think that she would play with it more if she helped to make it.

  17. As Salaamu ALaykum Wa Rahmahtuallahi Wa Barakatuh
    How wonderful! My seven yr old daughter would absolutely love this! I was trying to think of a way to introduce sewing to my little missy! We would have so much fun making this and the memories we would have to look back on! Jazakallahu Khair for sharing this giveaway! *hugs* Hope to catch up with you soon sis!

  18. mashaAllah what a lovely doll :) my daughter has a love for plush toys and is always playing pretend with them, she would probably designate this doll as the daughter and have her other stuffed toys as the mommy, daddy, and other family members :)
