Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Easy Ramadaan Activity

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Alhamdulillaah, colouring activities can help parents snatch a few extra moments to get things done. During Ramadaan, this is especially helpful when you'd like to read Quraan or engage in other acts of 'ibadaadah.

Parents (or your artistically inclined older child) can make custom colouring pages for little ones. You don't have to be an artist and the task of drawing is surprisingly relaxing. As your focus deepens you can really begin to enjoy the process.

One way to make custom colouring pages it to take a scene from a picture book (or your imagination - or both!) and draw it (free-hand or trace it). Without much work, you've got a custom colouring page that your children can work on while you read Quran or engage in other acts of 'idbadah. 

This is a drawing that was done using the imagination and a picture book illustration (click on the pictures to get a better view):

And this is the picture when coloured in:

You can add clipart to give your picture a different effect:

You don't have to be an artist and the picture doesn't have to be perfect because this is an activity that has only one goal: fun!

Enjoy insha'Allaah!