Monday, October 4, 2010

Together We Read book selection for October & A Giveaway!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

The book that will be featured for Together We Read in October is "Zaynab And Zakariya Learn To Recycle" by Fehmida Ibrahim Shah and one (1) copy of the book will be given away courtesy of SmartArk!

To enter the giveaway, leave a comment between now, Monday, October 4, 2010, and Saturday, October 9, 2010, midnight Google time insha'Allah.  I will use to select the winner insha'Allaah.

Don't forget to check back on October 15th for resources/materials that can be used with the book insha'Allah!

Enjoy insha'Allah!


  1. As Salaamu Alaykum, I had seen this book on the site and wanted to get it for my kids so badly. We do alot of recyclying crafts and thought it would have been a good addition to that. Insha Allah, whoever gets this will enjoy it! Jazakallahu Khair sis for giving it away! *hugs*

  2. Asalaamualaikum sister,
    I have been meaning to write to you. I am currently homeschooling some local children and I have been using all your great ideas from your blog. Jazakallah so much sister for all your efforts of posting on this blog, it has benefited me in many ways. I can't wait to have my own children , InshAllah, and homeschool them :)
    May Allah reward you for your amazing efforts. Ameen.
    I am looking for some materials for my homeschool since I don't have a budget at all. I make do with what I have.
    Jazakallah for everything once again.

  3. mashaAllah, a beautiful topic and great to see that there are 'green' islamic books now available. would love to win it for my lil ones-but... may whoever wins it, truly enjoy it inshaAllaah!

    Umm Muhammad Saalih

  4. yayyy I'm soo excited that you're making resources for this book :) we have it already but if I win it then I can gift it to someone inshaAllah :)

  5. Assalaamu Alaikum!

    Masha Allaah awaiting your resources even If I do not get the book : )
    Jazzakillaah Khayr for sharing!

  6. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatu

    Mashallah it is so wonderful to see more and more islamic themed titles for our children to learn and enjoy from. Your website is also so beneficial...May Allah reward you for your effort...Ameen.

  7. assalamu alaikum,

    wonderful book mashaAllah,
    as other sisters said it is nice to see many islamic books coming out for our kids alhamdulillah.

    May Allah make it beneficial to whoever gets the book.
    JazakhAllahu khayr

  8. Jazakum Allahu Khair for all of your ideas and prepared learning materials that you post here for our Muslim children to benefit from. Insha'Allah it will serve as Sadaqa Jariyah for you.

  9. Assalamualaikum..

    I've read the synopsis of the book and masyALLAH it IS a good read for muslim children.

    May the book be of benefit, ameen..

    Jazaakumullah kheiran!

  10. Assalaam Aleikum...

    jazakaAllah sis... for all ur works


  11. as salaamu alaykum I would like to enter into this drawing insha Allah
    Jazak Allahu Khair for all you do for us..May Allah reward you
    Umm Yasmeen

  12. jazak Allahu khayran! I can't wait until Sumayyah's old enough to do your activities! barak Allahu fiki!- Um Sumayyah

  13. Assalam alaykum,

    I just discovered your website and realized that I had purchased a couple of your books for my 4 year old, which she *loves*, especially "Hafsa!". May Allah t'ala reward you for providing these resources!

    I just looked up the SmartArk website and since I'm in the US, shipping might be an issue, but perhaps worth it. Thanks again!



  14. Assalaamu alaykum

    I would love my kids to have this book inshaAllah. BarakAllahu feeki for the give away!!

  15. Assalamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullah

    Nice book mashaAllah. I love how sturdy the books by SmartArk are, very durable when they come in the hands of toddlers. Love the new stuff you are putting on the site JazakaAllahu khair:)

  16. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

    jazakAllahu khairan, dear Umm An-Nu´man, for inviting us for this giveaway again.
    This book seems very nice and we like to have this. Whoever will get this - may she enjoy it with her kids.

    Wa alaikum salam, nima noema

  17. MashaAllah. looking for a good book about recycling, although I never knew there was ones for muslim children in particular, brilliant mashaAllah! :)

  18. As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,

    I started formally homeschooling my daughter this year. When I asked her how she liked school, she said, "I thought it was going to be boring, but I love it." MashaAllah! I have incorporated many of your activities into our curriculum. JazakiAllah khair.
